Before you make plans to head off on a winter camping trip, we suggest taking a look at our helpful tips below! We’ll make sure you and your RV are prepared to handle those chilly winter nights. If you need help finding or installing any of the items below, feel free to visit our parts and service departments in Kyle, Texas.


Cold temperatures can take quite a toll on your engine! If you’ve got plans to take a winter vacation with your RV, we suggest giving it an oil change with a high-quality synthetic oil. While you’re under the hood, check your antifreeze, coolant, and brake fluid. If any of your fluids are low be sure to top them off, or replace them completely if they’re dirty. Finally, before you take off, check your tires’ air pressure. If the pressure is a little low, be sure to fill them up before you go. 


If temperatures go below zero, it’s not unlikely that your RV’s plumbing could freeze. To avoid this, we suggest insulating your waste valve and keeping your water tanks full to keep them from freezing. If you’re camping in extremely cold temperatures you’ll want to add antifreeze to your gray and black water tanks, and purchase heat tape to wrap around pipes and hoses. 


Once your pipes and engine are prepped for the cold, you’ll want to take a look at your RV’s exterior. Cold air often slips through cracks and gaps along windows and door frames. To keep the cold air out, place weather stripping and window foil down to help insulate your RV. Heavy drapes over windows, or even a small space heater, can also help keep your RV toasty warm throughout the season. Finally, remember not to close all of your RV’s vents when temperatures drop, as it will decrease circulation and trap moisture inside. 

If you’re still looking for the perfect RV for your next winter camping trip, we encourage you to visit us here at RV Land! We proudly serve the cities of Austin and San Antonio, Texas, and have an enormous inventory of models for you to choose from.