Fifth wheels are made for comfort and durability, but even the best of them need routine maintenance to keep you safe and ready to camp. Regular maintenance only takes a little effort on your part, and it can make a world of difference for your fifth wheel. It can also make a world of difference for your wallet since keeping up with maintenance tends to prevent issues from growing or from happening at all. Here’s what to do.

Start With a Once-Over

The first step in any maintenance check-up is, of course, checking up! Walk around your fifth wheel to check for signs of damage, cosmetic or otherwise. On the outside, you’re looking for rust, dents, grime buildup, and water damage. Check the roof while you’re at it to make sure there’s no pooling water or debris to remove. Watch for roof material cracks or other damage that might cause leaking inside, and check the vents to see if they need cleaning. 

Next, walk through the interior of your fifth wheel. Look for water leaks, check all your appliances to verify they’re working, and clean up any mold or mildew in the bathroom. Make sure all door and window locks are functional to keep you safe and prevent sticking. Cleaning up any debris while you’re at it can save you time and trouble down the road. 

Maintain Your Generator

There’s no point in using a fifth wheel to camp if there’s no power. Make sure your generator is run every so often to avoid leaving it alone too long. Old fuel, particularly ethanol, can turn sludgy and corrosive, damaging the engine and possibly its mounting. Turn it on every so often in your off-season to keep the fuel viable and all the moving parts lubricated.

Check Your Tires

Worn-out tires with too little or too much pressure can lead to blowouts on the road. Use a tire pressure gauge and your owner’s manual to check your tire pressure and make the necessary adjustments to get it back to manufacturer specifications. Inspect the sidewalls for cracks and check the tread to make sure it’s deep enough to maintain traction and that there’s no debris stuck in it.

Off-Season Storage

Keeping your fifth wheel safe in the off-season is one of the best ways to avoid any maintenance trouble. Make sure your unit is winterized properly, and as clean as it can be, and note any potential problems you can see. Some of these can be addressed later, but others may require immediate attention.

Ready to check out a fantastic selection of new and used fifth wheels in Texas? Come see us at our dealership in Kyle to take a look at our vast array of new and used fifth wheels for sale. RV Land is proud to serve the greater Austin and San Antonio metropolitan areas.